Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E2: Building Collaboration Between Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success ft. Mark Osborne, founder of Modern Revenue Strategies


In this episode, Mark Osborne emphasizes scalable relationships in marketing, stressing efficient systems for growth. He offers B2B marketers guidance on KPIs and revenue optimization.





The Power of Systems


Improving Systems Through Meetings


Implementing an Effective Referral System


Impact of Systematizing on Teams


Steps to Implement Systems Within a Team


Overcoming Challenges in System Implementation


Smooth System Implementation Tips


Promoting the Book and Offer

Long Summary

Mark Osborne, the founder of Modern Revenue Strategies, shares his journey into founding his company and his background in marketing. He discusses the importance of building one-to-one relationships at scale using data and technology. Mark highlights the challenges of keeping up with the ever-growing marketing technology landscape and explains the fundamental approach his company takes to drive scalable and reliable growth in marketing.

Mark emphasizes the significance of systems in setting teams free from friction and uncertainty, enabling collaboration, and providing peace of mind. He delves into the process of creating and implementing effective systems within organizations to attract prospects, accelerate opportunities, and activate clients for renewals, upsells, and referrals. Mark stresses the importance of establishing clear KPIs and benchmarks to measure success in customer acquisition, revenue growth, and referrals.

He outlines practical steps for B2B marketers to systematize their processes, focusing on identifying areas for improvement, documenting critical client flows, and fostering collaboration among team members. Mark shares insights into overcoming challenges in implementing systems, such as resistance to change and concerns about job security. He emphasizes the role of leadership in supporting and adhering to systems to drive organizational success.

Mark introduces a special offer for the audience, providing a free download of his book, “Are Your Leads Killing Your Business?” along with templates, calculators, and training resources to help businesses enhance their revenue systems. He invites viewers to access these resources and offers personalized guidance in diagnosing revenue systems and identifying growth opportunities. Mark concludes by expressing his pleasure in sharing insights and engaging in the conversation.

Brief Summary

Mark Osborne, the founder of Modern Revenue Strategies, discusses the importance of building one-to-one relationships at scale using data and technology in marketing. He emphasizes the significance of systems in setting teams free from friction, enabling collaboration, and providing peace of mind. Mark outlines the process of creating and implementing effective systems to attract prospects, accelerate opportunities, and drive growth in marketing. He highlights the role of clear KPIs and benchmarks in measuring success and offers practical steps for B2B marketers to systematize their processes. Mark introduces a free download of his book and resources to help businesses enhance their revenue systems, concluding with an invitation for viewers to access these resources for personalized guidance.

Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E1: How to Create a Healthy, High-Performance Marketing Team ft. Jeff Zelaya, VP of Demand Gen at Hite Digital




Introduction to High Performance Marketing Team


Importance of Mindfulness in Marketing


Jeff's Journey into Marketing


Impactful Campaigns for Business Growth


Unbreakable Program Implementation


Development of Unbreakable Training Program


Creation of Unbreakable One-Day Program


Embracing Wellness Initiatives


Marketing Mindfulness within the Organization


Implementing Mindfulness Programs at HITE


Leadership Collaboration for Program Success


Steps to Implement Mindfulness Programs


Designing Thoughtful Employee Surveys


Overcoming Objections and Challenges


Handling Engagement with Mindfulness Programs


Connection and Collaboration with Jeff Zelaya

Long Summary

Jeff Zelaya discusses his journey in marketing and the importance of mindfulness in a conversation focused on creating a healthy, high-performance marketing team. He emphasizes the impact of mindfulness on marketing professionals, especially during stressful times. Jeff shares personal experiences from his childhood and describes how he developed a passion for marketing at a young age.

As the VP of Demand Generation at Hite Digital, Jeff delves into the initiatives and programs implemented to prioritize mindfulness within his team. He highlights the “Unbreakable” program, which focuses on resilience and mental toughness through training sessions, breathing exercises, and even ice baths. Jeff explains the positive outcomes of these initiatives, such as improved team retention, morale, and happiness.

The conversation touches on the implementation of mindfulness programs, including the importance of budgeting and measuring success through surveys and feedback. Jeff provides insights into potential obstacles when introducing mindfulness programs, such as resistance from team members or leaders. He emphasizes the need for consistency and adaptability in such initiatives.

Jeff also offers practical advice for marketing leaders looking to integrate mindfulness into their teams, suggesting steps like setting clear goals, designing surveys for feedback, and adapting programs based on results. He emphasizes the importance of being open to feedback and customizing initiatives to suit the team's needs. Jeff encourages connection on LinkedIn for further discussions on mindfulness and marketing practices.

Brief Summary

Jeff Zelaya discusses the significance of mindfulness in marketing teams, sharing personal experiences and insights on implementing mindfulness initiatives.  Jeff emphasizes the positive impact of mindfulness programs on team retention and morale, highlighting the importance of consistency and adaptability. He offers practical advice for marketing leaders, emphasizing clear goals, feedback surveys, and customization based on results. Jeff encourages further discussions on LinkedIn for those interested in integrating mindfulness into marketing practices.

Season 2 Trailer: Mindful B2B Marketing | Formerly: Forward Launch Your SaaS

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In this rebranded premiere of “Mindful B2B Marketing,” host Keirra Woodard embarks on a transformative journey for season two, evolving from the previous focus of “Forward Launch Your SaaS” to a pioneering exploration of ethically driven and socially impactful marketing strategies in the B2B realm. Keirra introduces the concept of mindful marketing, a holistic approach that extends the definition of success beyond financial gains to include positive outcomes for customers, employees, and society at large.

This season, Keirra is determined to delve deeper into the essence of marketing with a conscience, inviting seasoned leaders from renowned B2B brands to share their stories of success achieved through commitment to ethical practices and social good. The conversations aim to unveil strategies that not only foster business growth but also promote sustainable development, highlighting environmentally-friendly initiatives, inclusivity, and digital sustainability.

Listeners can expect a variety of insightful episodes that cover critical aspects of mindful B2B marketing, including the importance of truthful marketing claims, strategies to prevent team burnout, the significance of clear messaging, and the building of online communities. The season will also tackle the integration of privacy with marketing strategies, the ethical use of AI, and the pivotal role of honesty in marketing communications.