Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E12: How to Get Better Marketing Results Without Team Burnout — ft. Pete Sena, Founder of Digital Surgeons

MAIN INSIGHT: Prioritize self-care and employee wellness in the marketing workplace to prevent burnout and foster sustainable business growth.

GUEST BIO:  Pete Sena is a creative entrepreneur and founder of Digital Surgeons, a brand experience consultancy. For nearly 20 years, he has partnered with founders and business leaders to accelerate growth through marketing innovation, branding, and digital-experience design. A human-centered problem solver, Pete focuses on the behaviors and systems that drive people, products, and experiences. His work has impacted leading brands such as Unilever, Microsoft, and LEGO. He leverages expertise at the intersection of design, technology, and consumer behavior to enact positive change and increase business value. His experiences, such as the development of the Four Green Lights system for aligning values with business growth, are published to his blog, petesena.com


  • Enhanced team morale and employee retention
  • Healthier work-life balance for staff
  • Reduced stress and prevention of burnout
  • Increased productivity and creativity
  • Improved client satisfaction
  • Positive impact on profitability
  • More collaborative and supportive work environment
  • Holistic business growth valuing individual contributions


  • Implement wellness programs and initiatives within the company
  • Encourage practices like prioritizing sleep and meditation among employees
  • Foster self-awareness and self-care routines
  • Create a supportive environment with generous PTO policies and a remote-first culture
  • Align business goals with employee wellness using systems like the four green lights
  • Reduce unnecessary meetings and promote asynchronous communication
  • Set clear boundaries between work and personal time
  • Emphasize effective communication and thorough documentation
  • Over-communicate to prevent misunderstandings and foster transparency
  • Establish a clear vision that includes employee well-being as a core component
  • Encourage open communication and provide a wellness budget for staff initiatives

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E11: How to Create Truthful Marketing Claims — ft. Mike Maynard, CEO of Napier

Main Insight:
Focusing on truthful claims in marketing enhances credibility, builds stronger customer trust, and leads to more effective campaigns that resonate with B2B audiences, ultimately boosting brand reputation and fostering sustainable client relationships.

Guest Bio:
Mike Maynard is the CEO and owner of the Napier Group, a PR-led, full-service marketing agency specializing in the B2B technology sector. Under his leadership, Napier Group works closely with clients to develop strategic campaigns that drive impactful results and deliver a significant return on investment.

Step-by-step process to ensure that marketing claims are accurate:

  1. Before Starting a Campaign, Learn About the Products:
    In highly technical industries, it's crucial to get product managers and engineers to brief you on the product details. Use these interviews with product experts to create a comprehensive briefing sheet for reference within your organization. This briefing sheet should serve as a “source of truth” for advertising claims and be continuously fact-checked by everyone involved. Creating this briefing helps writers on the marketing team communicate effectively, as they need to understand the information to put it in their own words, and the briefing sheets can also be repurposed as marketing content. 
  2. Build the Campaign with Long-Term Considerations:
    When creating your campaign, focus on developing a strategy that supports long-term goals and sustainability rather than just immediate results.
  3. Seek Feedback from External Reviewers:
    Get input from people outside of the campaign, whether they are other members of the marketing team or from other departments. This external perspective helps refine the nuances of the message, making it more effective and clear to your audience.
  4. Find a Knowledgeable Fact-Checker:
    Identify a fact-checker who thoroughly understands the product, possibly an engineer, to ensure the marketing claims are technically accurate and clearly conveyed. This step ensures that all claims are valid and aligned with the product’s capabilities.

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E10: How to start proactively doing marketing as a small business owner — ft. Ram Prasad, CEO of Delence

Main Insight:
Ram Prasad, a small business owner, explains how embracing structured marketing strategies, such as leveraging LinkedIn and consistent content creation, led to doubling his company's revenue, and emphasizes the importance of viewing marketing as a long-term investment for small business growth.

Guest Bio:

Ram Prasad is the CEO of Delence, a company specializing in providing fractional CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and CPO (Chief Product Officer) services to businesses. With a strong background in technology, Ram has recently developed a passion for marketing, particularly in the context of small business growth. His expertise lies in bridging the gap between technology and marketing, helping businesses scale effectively by leveraging tailored tech solutions and strategic marketing insights.

Step-by-Step Advice for Moving Away from Referral-Only Business Growth

  1. Prioritize Business Growth: 
    • Allocate a marketing budget and consider hiring marketing professionals. View marketing as an investment in your business's future. This helps you avoid inefficiencies and leverages expertise to craft a more effective strategy. 
  2. Identify the Right Social Media Channel:
    • The first crucial step is to identify the most effective social media channel where your target audience is most active. This decision should be based on where your potential customers are likely to be found. For example, if your customers are tech startup CEOs, they are more likely to be on LinkedIn or Twitter rather than Instagram or Facebook. Start by focusing on one or two platforms to ensure your efforts are concentrated and effective.
  3. Consistency in Posting:
    • Once you have identified the appropriate channel, the next step is to post consistently. The ideal frequency for most businesses is at least two to three times a week. Consistency is key because posting regularly helps keep your brand top of mind with your audience. Ram emphasizes that the goal isn't to aim for a viral post but to build a presence over time through regular and consistent posting. He recommends setting aside a specific time daily or weekly for content creation and posting to maintain this consistency. Understand that marketing requires patience and consistent effort, much like gardening. Focus on nurturing your strategy and be prepared to commit for several months before expecting significant outcomes. 
  4. Create and Share Original Content:
    • It’s important that the content you post is original. Original content reflects your unique perspective and experiences, which is more engaging and valuable to your audience. Ram advises against simply copying content from others or using generic content generated by tools. Instead, use your own experiences, such as summarizing a customer interaction or a recent project (while maintaining confidentiality), to create content. This approach ensures your content is authentic and resonates more deeply with your audience.
  5. Measure and Adjust:
    • After establishing a routine of consistent posting, the next step is to measure the effectiveness of your posts. Pay attention to the feedback you receive, such as likes, comments, and shares, to understand what content is resonating with your audience. However, Ram warns against overthinking this process. Instead, focus on experimenting and adjusting your content based on the feedback and engagement you observe. The key is to keep iterating and improving your strategy rather t

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E9: Why Clarity is King: The Power of Simple Messaging, ft. Ben Guttmann, author of ‘Simply Put’

Main Insight:
Effective B2B marketing hinges on clarity; the clearer the message, the greater its impact.

Guest Bio:
Ben Guttmann is a seasoned marketing entrepreneur, educator, and author known for his expertise in clear communication. He authored “Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Win and How to Design Them.” Over a decade, he managed Digital Natives Group, a marketing agency that evolved from small local projects to prestigious collaborations with major entities like the NFL and Comcast.

The Five Principles of Simple Messaging

  • beneficial, or matters to the receiver
  • focused, meaning articulating one thing at a time rather than multiple things 
  • salient, or standing out amidst noise 
  • empathetic, or speaking the language that the audience understands and meeting them emotionally
  • minimal, or excluding everything unnecessary.

Key Takeaways:

Emphasize Clarity in Messaging

  • Clear and simple messages are more effective.
  • Avoid jargon and complex language.
  • Make your value proposition easily understandable.

Know Your Audience

  • Understand the needs and pain points of your target audience.
  • Tailor your messages to address these needs directly.
  • Use language and examples that resonate with your audience.

Consistent Brand Voice

  • Maintain a consistent voice across all platforms and materials.
  • This helps in building a recognizable and trustworthy brand.


  • Use stories to make your messages more engaging and memorable.
  • Share success stories and case studies to illustrate your points.

Data-Driven Decisions

  • Use analytics to understand what messages are working.
  • Continuously test and refine your messaging based on data insights.

Visual Clarity

  • Use clear and professional visuals to support your messages.
  • Ensure that your design is clean and free from unnecessary clutter.

Simplicity in Design

  • Apply minimalist principles to your marketing materials.
  • Focus on key messages and avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

  • Highlight how your product or service benefits the customer.
  • Explain how it solves their problems or improves their situation.

Educate Your Audience

  • Provide valuable content that educates your audience about your industry.
  • This positions you as a thought leader and builds trust.

Leverage Multiple Channels

  • Use a mix of marketing channels to reach your audience.
  • Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels.

Customer-Centric Approach

  • Always put the customer at the center of your marketing strategy.
  • Listen to their feedback and adjust your strategies accordingly.

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast How to leverage AI in B2B Marketing — ft. Rich Edwards, CEO of Mindspan Systems

MAIN INSIGHT: Leverage data-driven strategies and artificial intelligence to transform and optimize marketing efforts.

GUEST BIO: Rich Edwards is the CEO of Mindspan Systems, a company specializing in transforming community financial institutions through data-driven strategies and innovative technologies. With a career spanning over a decade at IBM, Edwards has significant experience in product strategy, data center automation, and artificial intelligence, including a pivotal role in the launch of the IBM Watson Developer Cloud. 


  1. Increased personalization in marketing, allowing companies to cater specifically to individual customer preferences and needs.
  2. Enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in marketing operations, as AI can automate and optimize many routine tasks and processes.
  3. Improved customer engagement and retention through targeted and relevant marketing communications.
  4. Greater competitive advantage by utilizing data insights to make informed strategic decisions.
  5. Cost savings from automation and the ability to produce more with less manual effort.


Leverage First-Party Data: Utilize first-party data to gain a competitive advantage by delivering highly personalized and relevant marketing content. First-party data, being directly collected from customers, is crucial for creating accurate and impactful marketing strategies that resonate with the target audience.

Ethical Data Practices: Adopt transparent data collection methods and manage data prudently to uphold customer trust. Rich Edwards stressed the importance of treating customer data with the same care as money, considering the potential risks and implications of data breaches or misuse.

Data Safeguarding and Compliance: Implement robust systems to protect customer data, ensuring that data management practices comply with the latest regulations. This includes thoughtful interactions with customers about how their data is used and ensuring that data sharing and processing are done only when necessary and with proper customer consent.

Navigating Data Governance Challenges: Be vigilant about the dependencies that can develop from using platforms like Facebook for marketing, which may lead to potential constraints and costs. Marketers should be aware of the terms and conditions of data usage by third-party companies and strive for agreements that protect their interests and those of their customers.


  • Here’s a good, easy-to-read introduction to data governance from HubSpot: HubSpot Data Governance.
  • One of the more general industry governance organizations is the Data Management Association (DAMA), offering good resources and certification standards: DAMA.
  • Microsoft’s policy on data usage with AI services can be found here: Microsoft Data Privacy.
  • An earlier interview with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella specifically addressing their values on privacy is available on YouTube: Satya Nadella Interview.
  • Also, as discussed, Trust Insights provides insights, and here's an example of Chris Penn’s blog:

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E7: How eco-friendly email marketing helps you reach your audience — ft. James Gill, Co-founder of EcoSend and GoSquared

B2B marketers can send campaigns that ultimately can have a positive impact on their audience by optimizing email marketing practices, such as reducing email frequency, targeting more effectively, and using eco-friendly infrastructure and content strategies.


James Gill is the co-founder of EcoSend and GoSquared. EcoSend works with brands to transform email marketing into a more climate-conscious practice, addressing the significant carbon footprint of the over 350 billion emails sent daily. GoSquared, celebrating its 18th anniversary, provides a privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics, helping thousands of businesses grow sustainably every day. James is dedicated to creating environmentally responsible and privacy-centric digital tools.


Reduced Carbon Footprint:

  • By optimizing email campaigns, marketers can significantly lower the environmental impact of their digital activities.

Increased Engagement:

  • Sending fewer, more targeted emails can lead to higher engagement rates, as recipients are more likely to find the content relevant and valuable.

Improved Efficiency:

  • Streamlining email content and reducing data load can enhance the overall efficiency of email marketing campaigns, leading to better performance.

Enhanced Brand Reputation:

  • Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can improve a brand's reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and clients.

Cost Savings:

  • Optimizing email campaigns can reduce the resources and energy required, potentially leading to cost savings in the long run.

Sustainable Business Growth:

  • By adopting eco-friendly and privacy-centric practices, businesses can achieve sustainable growth that aligns with modern ethical standards and consumer expectations.


  1. Optimize Email Content: Streamlining the content of emails to be more concise and relevant can reduce the data load and, consequently, the environmental impact.
  2. Improve Targeting: Ensuring emails are sent only to those who are genuinely interested and likely to engage can minimize waste and enhance the efficiency of email campaigns.
  3. Compress Image Sizes: Reducing the size of images in emails can decrease the data required to send and receive emails, thereby lowering the carbon footprint.
  4. Avoid Putting Text in Images: Keeping text as text rather than embedding it in images can reduce the email's data load, making it more efficient and environmentally friendly.


EcoSend works with brands to revolutionize email marketing by making it more climate-conscious. The company addresses the significant carbon footprint of email marketing by promoting sustainable practices and tools. 

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E6: How to transform sales through hyper-personalized networking, ft. Rhonda Dibachi, CEO of Hey Scottie

Main Insight: Using hyper-personalized outreach creates business opportunities with higher ROI for time spent and fosters better relationships between salespeople and customers. 

Guest Bio: Rhonda Dibachi, CEO of Hey Scottie, has a diverse background in technology and manufacturing with experience in nuclear engineering and software development. She has co-founded multiple tech and manufacturing startups, including one that successfully went public. Rhonda is passionate about integrating technology into manufacturing to solve real-world operational challenges.

Key Takeaways:

Identify Successful Customers: Start by examining who your successful customers are, and identify their key attributes such as location, industry, product type, or size to categorize your ideal customer.

Find Adjacent Prospects: Look for prospects that are similar to your successful customers, particularly those that are geographically close so you can easily visit or engage with them.

Engage with Potential Connections: Identify potential points of engagement from their online presence, such as association memberships, and consider attending related events like annual meetings.

Leverage Personal Interests: Use personal interests shown on platforms like LinkedIn, such as hobbies, to create a more personal connection.

Look for innovators in a target company or industry:  Identify people who are ambitious and receptive to innovative ideas such as recent job-changers, digital natives, and people who attend industry conferences. 

Make Personal Connections: Make efforts to personally connect at conferences or through platforms like LinkedIn, reaching out to conference-goers and suggesting face-to-face meetings before the conference to discuss potential collaborations.

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E5: How to build an online community to promote your brand, ft. William Cook, CEO of Advertise Your Server


Introduction to Building an Online Community


Inception of Advertise Your Server


Evolution of Advertise Your Server


Expanding to B2B Companies


Benefits for B2B Brands


Setting Up an Online Community


Establishing Community Norms


Pitfalls in Online Community Creation


Connect with Advertise Your Server

Main Insight

Building an online community is essential for brand promotion and customer engagement. William Cook, CEO of Advertise Your Server, shares his expertise on leveraging platforms like Reddit and Discord to grow vibrant online communities that drive business growth.

Key Takeaways

  1. Importance of Online Communities: Online communities provide a space for customers to interact, share experiences, and build a sense of loyalty and belonging. They are crucial for promoting brands and fostering customer engagement.
  2. Choosing the Right Platform: Different platforms serve different community needs. Reddit and Discord are highlighted as excellent platforms for community growth. Reddit offers broad exposure, while Discord provides a more intimate and interactive environment.
  3. Strategies for Community Growth:
    • Engage with Members: Regular interaction and engagement with community members are vital. This includes responding to comments, initiating discussions, and providing valuable content.
    • Consistent Value Addition: Continuously offer value to community members through exclusive content, updates, and resources that cater to their interests and needs.
    • Leveraging Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who can bring their audience into the community, increasing reach and credibility.
  4. Monetization and ROI:
    • Direct Revenue Generation: Monetize the community through memberships, premium content, and exclusive offers.
    • Indirect Benefits: Enhanced brand loyalty, customer feedback, and market insights can significantly impact business growth and development.
  5. Challenges and Solutions:
    • Maintaining Engagement: Keep the community active and engaged through regular events, Q&A sessions, and interactive content.
    • Managing Negative Feedback: Address negative feedback constructively and use it to improve products and services.

Guest Bio

William Cook is the CEO of Advertise Your Server, a leading online community growth platform. With extensive experience in community building and digital marketing, William has successfully helped numerous brands grow their online presence and engage with their audience on platforms like Reddit and Discord.

Company Description

Advertise Your Server is the premier platform for growing online communities on Reddit and Discord. They specialize in helping brands create and nurture vibrant online spaces where customers can connect, share, and engage. With a focus on providing consistent value and fostering meaningful interactions, Advertise Your Server is dedicated to driving business growth through community building.

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E4: How to communicate your brand identity ft. Dave Erickson, CEO of ScreamingBox

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Main Insight

“The most effective brand strategy focuses on differentiation and solving customer business challenges.”
Dave emphasizes that a unique brand identity and an ability to clearly articulate how a product solves specific customer challenges are crucial in marketing. Content should demonstrate solutions, not just features.

Key Takeaways

Step-by-Step Marketing Strategy

  1. Determine Your Business Cycle Stage:
    Understand where the business currently stands. Are you a new startup, a growing SMB, or an established enterprise? Different stages require different marketing strategies.
  2. Focus on the Basics:
    Ensure that your website has strong calls-to-action and that free content like blog articles, YouTube videos, and social media posts are available.
  3. Expand to Advanced Marketing:
    For mature businesses, consider investing in advertising campaigns, events, and sponsorships. SMBs with resources can leverage trade events and Google Ads campaigns.
  4. Incorporate AI into Content Creation:
    Utilize AI for generating outlines, titles, and basic content structures. Refine and build upon these AI-generated drafts for faster, more effective content creation.
  5. Develop a Comprehensive Content Strategy:
    • Write a detailed blog post about how your product solves specific business challenges.
    • Atomize content into multiple pieces (short videos, audio snippets, infographics).
    • Use AI tools to create faceless videos from written content.
    • Distribute across multiple social media channels in varied formats.
  6. Distribution Plan and Calls to Action:
    • Share blog articles on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.
    • Use smaller content pieces and videos for wider reach.
    • Align calls to action with each content type (e.g., “Contact us,” “Download a whitepaper,” “Try our product”).

Guest Bio

Dave Erickson
Title: CEO, ScreamingBox
Bio: Dave Erickson has over 30 years of experience in eSports, gaming, software development, marketing, sales, branding, publishing, advertising, and international business. A serial entrepreneur, he has founded and managed businesses across the USA, Europe, and Asia. Prior to ScreamingBox, he played a pivotal role in building the Fatal1ty gaming brand and licensing program, and also founded an internet marketing company in 2002 that catered to high-profile clients like Gunthy-Ranker, Qualcomm, and TigerText.

Company Description

Description: ScreamingBox is a digital development company that offers web and mobile app development, along with other technology solutions. Their virtual-first approach helps clients save costs while ensuring high-quality digital solutions. They have built a strong reputation in the industry due to their distinctive branding and word-of-mouth referrals.
Website: screamingbox.net

Rainmaker Web
Description: Rainmaker Web helps startups and SMBs with marketing strategy, content creation, and digital distribution.
Website: rainmakerweb.net

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Mindful B2B Marketing Podcast S2E3: The Power of Volunteer Marketing Teams ft. Natalie Hogg, Founder of MethodQ

Guest Bio:
Natalie Hogg is the founder and head marketer of Method Q. She has a background in communications and journalism and initially aspired to join international relations but later shifted to marketing. After a successful career in corporate marketing, she founded Method Q, where she can help businesses grow while giving back to her community.

Company Description:
Method Q is a full-service marketing agency that provides comprehensive marketing solutions for businesses, whether supporting existing in-house teams or acting as a complete outsourced marketing department. 

Contact Information:

Main Insight:
The power of creating volunteer marketing teams lies in aligning business goals with personal passions. By blending work and life purposefully, you can build a community of professionals who share your values, create meaningful impact through nonprofits, and help the next generation succeed.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone:
    • Expand your network by attending events and engaging with new people.
    • Reach out to potential mentors and ask for introductions.
  2. Define Your Goals:
    • Write down your career and life goals to manifest them into reality.
    • Create a timeline of where you want to be, even if it's a rough outline.
  3. Build and Nurture Relationships:
    • Foster meaningful relationships within your network and community.
    • Leverage your network's skills and interests to make a positive impact.
  4. Incorporate Volunteering into Your Business:
    • Recruit your team to volunteer their skills for a nonprofit organization.
    • Start by offering small contributions, like managing social media or redesigning a website.
    • Encourage your team to take ownership and contribute their expertise.
  5. Practice Self-Care:
    • Maintain a healthy balance by prioritizing self-care.
    • Lead by example, showing your team the importance of taking care of themselves.

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