Forward Launch Your SaaS Podcast 22: How to create a solid go-to-market strategy for exponential growth — Niels Martin Brochner, Founder & CEO at Contractbook


03:10 – What is a “K Factor”, and why it gives Contractbook exponential growth

08:29 – Why Contractbook charge based on the automation they provide

09:20 – How Contractbook show enough value to their users

11:37 – Build trust and expose your user to the power of your platform

13:53 – How does covid help their market and user to mature

16:30 – Finding different angles to invite more customers

20:02 – Why you should invest in the BOF even in the early stage

24:33 – How Facebook leverage network and why Contractbook is different


Niels Martin Brøchner is CEO of multiple startups and currently CEO at, software that innovates the PDF and makes contract flow less chaotic. He believes you can learn and reuse a lot of unique approaches from other people but still focus on the hand you’re dealt instead of what others have done in the past.


Identifying and focusing on a solid go-to-market strategy that suits your product helps your company grow exponentially.


  1. Charging your customers is all about the value and solution you provide to them
  2. Leverage your customers and their networks
  3. Expose your users to the power and value of your platform
  4. Remember to experiment and change your strategy to make great progress in your company
  5. Narrow your focus on the user experience and how they can share your product
  6. Hire someone who can understand and convert opportunity to sales
  7. Activation should be easy for your user


  1. Identify who your users are
  2. Identify the user journey
  3. Find out how you want to invite your users and how your users can invite other users


  1. Find one thing that your competitors can’t do and leverage it


Contractbook helps you streamline every step from contract creation to post-signature handoffs. Learn more at

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